$104.99 USD
– Sold OutAs a Muslim parent, providing your child with an Islamic upbringing and education will certainly involve learning some aspects of the Arabic language, whether it be the noble Quran or words of dua.
The problem, however, is that pronouncing these words correctly and understanding them requires a teacher to be on-hand to help.
At least that's how it used to be before Kiitab came along...
Kiitab uses advanced dot code technology that senses where you touch on a page and is able to match that to the correct sound that is contained in a data file inside the device. The best part is that Kiitab is a one-time investment that can be used with all future and past Kiitab compatible products.
In the box, you'll get:
Several Kiitab compatible products are being developed, and at present, the device is compatible with the following four Learning Roots products: